Does It Hurt Dad? ~ Christmas 2017

Does It Hurt Dad? ~ Christmas 2017

Author's Note:

It would be advantageous to read 'Do they bite dad.' first but not necessary. 

"Does it hurt dad?"

"No baby the doctor just wants to check your ears."

"Why dad?"

"Because every now and then you have to get them checked out."

"Why dad?"

My kids on a roll today.

"Because sometimes there's junk in them that has to be cleaned out."

"Oh, but why?"

"Because you won't be able to hear if they are full of junk."


I smiled at the lady in the waiting room who was listening to our conversation. Thank god we were next on the list.

"Are you excited about Santa coming?" She said to my son and changed the subject.

He doesn't talk to strangers so he just leant into me and buried his head under my armpit.

"He's shy, sorry."

"Well, you look like a good boy so he will bring you lots of presents I'm sure."


"Declan, the doctor will see you now. Sam, would you like to bring him in?"

I undid his arms and said,

"Come on baby, let's go, the doctor's waiting."

"Sorry," I mouthed to the lady.


"Hello Declan, Sam, what can we do for you today?"

"We need our ears checked and cleaned if necessary."

"Okay, whose first?"

"Dad, will it hurt?"

"No son, I will go first so you can see okay?"

"Okay, daddy," I'm only daddy when he's scared or wants something.


Doctor Grant checked my ears and deemed them clean and working properly while Declan watched with his mouth open. Then it was his turn. He leant right over and tried to put his head under my armpit again while the doctor dodged around his attempts to avoid him.

"That's it Dec, no problems with your ears, here have a jelly bean."

That got his attention really quickly, he picked two orange ones, popping one in his mouth straight away.


On our way out I made another appointment for Geoff, he needs to get his done too. I swear he's going deaf because he never hears what I'm saying most of the time.

"Come on let's go pick dad up."

"Okay, can we have hot dogs for tea?"

"I might be able to organise that baby."

He really didn't have to have his ears checked. I am quite anal about my son's health so whenever I go to the doctors he comes with me. I need to get him used to going regularly so he's not afraid of the doctors.


I drove slowly towards Geoff's work and by the time I had gone two blocks, Declan was fast asleep in his big boy's seat. He's a different boy now, after the Halloween disaster with Mr. Dingle across the street he had calmed down a lot. Dingle was scaring my kid and even attempted to harm me in the end. The noise coming from his place was deafening so I put a stop to it all and he didn't like it one bit. He was put away for a few months for attacking me and Geoffrey made sure he got the maximum sentence for his disgusting behaviour, he had frightened the shit out of our baby. I am hoping next year we can go away if Dingle shows signs of again destroying our local celebrations.


Once again I parked outside Geoff's work and he rushed out the double doors and jumped in the car. Leaning over he kissed me then stroked Dec's sleepy face.

"Did you go to the doctors?"

"Yes, hon, both good and I made an appointment for you for Friday at three."

"Cool, any thought on dinner?"

"I already have an order for hot dog's baby."

"Cool." That's the footballer side of him coming out, hot dogs, chips and hamburgers. I sometimes think that's all Geoff ate at college.


I drove smoothly into the garage with no problems this time, the automatic door had been fixed and was working perfectly. Geoff bundled our boy up and took him inside while I grabbed the shopping and locked the car.

When I got in Dec and Geoff were in front of the TV watching a footy game replay.


I put my shopping away then put a pot of water on the gas. For a lawyer Geoff has pretty basic tastes in food, I would have thought with all his lawyer mates, he would have upped his gastronomic choices.

I cut the dogs into pieces for Declan then put them into a bun, Geoff's were left whole and I grabbed the tomato sauce. I guess they are eating in front of the TV again.


"These are good dad."

"Thanks, son, they're not hard to make." I opened a pack of biscuits and after dinner, I thought I would just have one with my coffee. All eyes were on me so I offered them both one. Geoff took a handful and Dec took the rest, but I had to take a few back, I don't want him to have too much sugar in his diet. Geoff waited until I looked away then the rest suddenly disappeared.


"Come on Dec, change your clothes, better still get into your pyjamas they will be more comfortable."

I needed to do some washing.

"I don't have to go to bed do I, dad?"

"No baby, I just need to wash your shorts."

Then out of the blue, he asked,

"Dad, when does Santa come?"

"In twelve days' baby, are you excited?"

"Yes daddy, I've been a good boy this year, haven't I?"

"You sure have son, you're doing really, really good."

Geoff kissed his head and messed his hair up.

"I'm still waiting." I looked at him.

"Oh, I forget dad."

He jumped up and stripped his shorts and shirt off then ran naked into the bedroom to put his pyjamas on.


"I really don't have to go to bed dad?"

"Not yet Dec, it's only early so sit with dad and watch the game."

I went to the laundry and sorted the washing out and there will be two loads tonight, it seems I spend most of my time in the kitchen or laundry. Slipping out the back I found my stash of cigarettes and lit one up.


"Big day Sam?" It was Nan next door; she must have had the same thought.

"Not really Nan, we went to the doctors to get our ears cleaned but they were okay."

"What are you buying Dec for Christmas, I don't want to double up?"

"I bought him a couple of games, some clothes, Geoff will give him some cash I suppose and assorted toys, just a few things, nothing major at his age nan."

"Okay, it's just that my grandson Pauly is out of detention, he's been on a holiday in Queensland and has scored a heap of iPads so I thought I might buy one for Dec."

"OMG Pauly, I had forgotten him. How is he?"

"He's good Sam. He will be over tomorrow and is going to spend Christmas with his Nan."

"Don't you think an iPad is too grown up for Declan? I mean I don't want him to have his face stuck in it all day."

"No Sam, I will get Pauly to download a heap of kids games for him so he will have hours of fun on it."

"How much is he selling them for?"

"A hundred dollars each."

"Order me two more nan, will you?" That's Geoff's Christmas present out of the way and I may as well get one for myself.

I heard my washer beep so said goodnight to Nan and moved inside to put the second load in.


Christmas is usually the best time of year, old Dingle across the road usually puts his lights up and a snowman out the front but I suppose he doesn't like it as much as Halloween. But this year I don't think he will be out of jail until after New Year, which is a good thing.


I looked in on my boys and both were asleep in front of the TV, my husband works so hard he does get tired at the end of the day.

I picked Dec up and put him to bed, then kissed him and pulled his blanket up. He didn't even protest this time, but he will be miffed when he realises he's in his bedroom. That's if he wakes up.

Then I hung out the washing and weeded a sad looking pot plant.


The second load of washing was hung out to dry then I cleaned up the kitchen as two strong arms went around my shoulders and Geoff whispered in my ear,

"Can I get a fuck tonight?"

"Sure you can, just let me clean up and I'll shower." I smiled, yes he's still a jock in the bed department and I love it when he talks dirty to me.


He went and showered then I did the same. I locked up and checked my son and then it was time to check my husband out thoroughly.


In the morning there was a big rush to get everybody sorted. Dec wanted toast and Geoff was still feeling the after-effects of last night. I led him into the garage then got on my knees, it didn't take long.

"Where did you go, dad?"

"Just showing dad something in the garage baby, not far."



I dropped Dec off to school and Geoff to work, one day I will go back but not just yet. Geoff does bring work home for me to do so I still get a small wage, plus I am a partner in the business, but Geoff wants me at home full time. He said his parents didn't give him a special childhood and he wants Dec to have the best one a kid could have. So he goes to work and I stay at home.


The shopping centre was busy and it took me ages to find a car park. I needed to get a few more things for Christmas and I thought I would buy a ham this year, although Geoff will be taking leftover ham sandwiches to work for a month. I must ask Nan what she does with hers, maybe she will have the whole family over again. Geoff's family had invited us but we refused saying we want to start having it at home with our son. His dad is a kiddie pest and is always teasing Declan, and he treats Geoff appallingly. He never got over him wanting to be a lawyer because he wanted him to play football. He was very good at it when he was at school, but his heart wasn't in it. When he found out I was doing law he decided to do that too. I sometimes feel he did it because he didn't want me to be out of his sight. Anyway this Christmas it's just us.


I noticed Santa was all set up in the grand open space which reminds me to talk to Geoff about bringing Dec in on the weekend to see him.

He's only five and wouldn't remember coming here last year. He did put up a fight, there was no way he was going to sit on the great bearded one's lap, but he took his small present.


Later I went into the sports store to buy Geoff a new top, maybe with his favourite footy team on it, then to the toy store to check out the last minute specials. I grabbed a trolley from outside Target to lug my purchases around in, then I sat and had coffee and a small cake while I listened to the Christmas music which blasted out of the tinny speaker system.

Ham, I have to get a ham, so I finished up and went into the supermarket.

I couldn't make my mind up so, in the end, I thought I might get Geoff to help select the best one, maybe when we come here on the weekend.


Arriving home, I put the shopping away then brought in the washing. I folded it all up except Dec's school shorts. I had found the other jelly bean in his pocket, so now I have to pick off the offending sugar mess.

I heard Nan's back door squeal as she opened it.


"Hi Nan, how many have you coming for Christmas this year?"

"Oh about twenty-six Sam, what are you all doing?"

"Staying home, there's no way I will subject Declan, or Geoff for the matter, to his parent's teasing."

"Why don't you come here Sam, there will be plenty of kids for Dec to play with. I'm going to set it all up in the backyard, a help yourself kind of day."

"That sounds nice Nan, can I run it past Geoff first?"

"Sure honey, just let me know in time."

"What can I bring?"

"Nothing Sam, my girls have it all organised so just bring yourselves. Sam, have you got a spare ciggy?"

"Of course." I lit one up too then gave Nan the rest, I will get another packet on the way home from picking the boys up. I only have two or three a day although Geoff doesn't like it.


"It's been quiet without old Dingle Sam, when do you think he will get out of jail?"

"Hopefully after new year nan, he doesn't get into the Christmas spirit like he does with Halloween."

"Well don't forget Pauly is looking to earn some money, if there's any trouble with him just call me." She laughed,

I had paid Pauly to get into my roof space with his slug gun to out Dingle's power box a few times. That's why he attacked me, he blamed me for his stupid power going off all the time.

"He's bringing the iPads around tonight too Sam."

"Okay nan, I'll go get the cash." I went inside and took two hundred out of our emergency money then handed it over the fence to Nan.

"Thanks, Sam, I'll hang them over the fence in the morning."

"Thanks, nan, got to go pick the boy up then get this yucky jelly bean mess off his shorts when I get back."

"He left one in his pocket did he?"

"Yes, Nan."

"Chuck them over here, I'll do that for you, I'm used to it."

"Thank you very much Nan that will be a big help."

I gave her the shorts then took the folded washing inside.

Driving to the school I was thinking about old Dingle, I hope he's not around this year to spoil Dec's Christmas. Hopefully, he won't be let out for good behaviour, although I can't see it in his case, he's always behaved badly.


My little boy scurried across the pedestrian crossing with his backpack dragging on the bitumen, his face was one big smile. I waited for him on the other side then he jumped into my arms.


"Did you have a cool day son?"

"Yes dad, we made something. I have to give it to you later, it's really good, the teacher said so."


"Where do you want to go for your afternoon snack baby?"

"Donald's dad, I want a milkshake."

"Okay, milkshake it is." I buckled him up then drove carefully to McDonald's but I think the other parents had the same idea, the place was loaded with kids. Dec kept looking at the playroom so I winked and said,

"I'll call you when your milkshake is ready, do you want a small cheeseburger too?"

"Not today dad, I had those big sandwiches you made me, they filled me up full."

"Okay go play, I'll call you." I picked up the newspaper it was still full of doom and gloom, the headline read, 'Australia on the brink of collapse.'

I must buy a boat and if it collapses into the sea, we all would drown.


His milkshake and my small cheeseburger arrived so I put the paper down and went to get Dec.

"Come on baby, your milkshake is here."

"Just another minute dad."

"No, come and have your drink first, then you can come back."

"Ok, dad." He looked defeated again.

"Dad you got me chocolate."

"That's what you always have baby."

"I might have wanted something else today dad."

"We'll have the chocolate one then pick a different flavour for the next time."

"Okay, dad."

He always has chocolate, he won't drink anything else, I'm his father so I know this.


"Come on Dec, we have to go get daddy."

"Okay dad, see you at school tomorrow Teddy." He waved to his mate.

"It's the weekend tomorrow baby, no school."

"Oh, that's right." He giggled then ran out the door so I had to chase him, that car park was busy.


"Did you get everything done baby?" I was talking to Geoffrey.

"Yes babe, why are we stopping here?"

"I want to buy Nan a couple of cartons of ciggies for Christmas."

"Oh does she still smoke at her age?"

"Yes Geoff, she still smokes." I gave him a frigid stare because now I'm going to get a lecture about smoking.

"I didn't know that.' That's all he said, maybe he knows better than to tell me off. Or maybe he's hoping my legs will part tonight?

I bought Nan two cartons and myself a packet which I stuffed into my pocket.


At home, there was no shopping for me to lug, but the boys were onto that TV as soon as the garage door opened.

Dec had some numbers to do for homework so I tried to coax him to the table but he wasn't going to have any of that.

"He can do them tomorrow honey."

"No, we have to go to see Santa tomorrow."

Dec's head swiftly turned towards me, looking for some reassurance I think.

"He's a great guy baby, he knows you have been good and he just might give you a little present."


He turned back to the TV with a smile on his face.


"Geoff, nan wants to know if we want to spend Christmas day with her and her family this year."

"Yep, I'll be in that, did you say yes?"

"Not yet baby, I have to ask you first, that's all."

"Well she always puts on a good spread at other times, and I don't mind her family of crims, they always give me a good laugh." He laughed.

"Teas ready, we've got beef casserole tonight."

Declan groaned.

"Just have the carrots and potatoes and just a little meat Dec, it's all good for you."

"Okay dad, DAD!"


"I forgot your present." He ran off to his bedroom at full speed.

"Slow down baby or you will be bouncing off the walls."


He came back with something in his hand, then he gave it to me.

"Oh baby it's beautiful, and you made this for me?"

"Yes, dad and for dad too."

"Look Geoff, a plaster star for the Christmas tree, it's gorgeous son, thank you."

"It's the best one, the teacher said so."

"I'm sure it is baby, come on let's hang it on the tree."

He helped me find a good spot for his little star. He had written Declan, dad and dad on it so we don't forget our names.

I hung it right in the front and it looked all sparkly with the blinking lights on. There were presents underneath the tree, just the ones from cousins and aunties and of course the grandparents. God knows what they got him, last year it was dummies and nappies so I had to hide it from him, he's no longer a baby but I thought they would think it would be a good laugh. I hated them.


Saturday morning, we showered then dressed nicely and Geoff drove us to the shopping centre. Today starts my baby's Christmas celebrations, we already have done the tree now let's get Santa out of the way. The big man in red was sitting in his majestic chair and there were loads of kids lined up to sit on his knee. I paid the elf for a photo then we three stood in line. Oh no, just us two, Geoffrey had spied the electrical store window, which was full of assorted gadgets they were flogging for Christmas.


"Dad, will you come with me.?" He took my hand.

"Of course I will, do you want to sit on his knee, or stand for your photo?"

"I don't know what to do dad."

"Just smile and whisper what you want for Christmas in his ear baby, that's all."

"Okay, but will I get what I want or do I still have to write to him?"

"I think it best you write to him just in case he forgets, I can send it priority mail if you want."

"Okay dad, as long as he knows what I want."


We finally got three from the front and by then Geoff had joined us with his big bag of shopping.

"What did you buy?" I smiled.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." He grinned back.

Declan was next and he decided to sit on Santa's knee to have his photo taken. Santa was a red-faced, jolly old man who listened patiently to all the kid's requests. We stood a little away from them and Santa whispered to Dec and Dec whispered back. Then Santa whispered more and Dec jumped down and rush over to us. I thanked Santa and we went to find the coffee shop.


"Did you tell Santa what you wanted for Christmas baby?"

No answer.

"Big secret is it?"

I brushed it off and thought maybe he will write that letter tonight, then I will know.


We ordered coffee and a baby chino for Dec, he loves them, all that chocolate and froth, he would eat them all day if he could.

Geoff and I talked about putting some bud lights across the veranda and he said he was onto them. They will be put up tomorrow and Dec was going to help.

When we finished Dec hadn't started his.

"Have your froth Dec before it goes flat."

"Don't want it, daddy."

"Why, you love your big boy's drink?"

He didn't answer.

"Okay, not today then, let's get the photo and go home, Geoff have you finished your shopping?"

"Yep, all done." He patted his rather large carry bag."

We walked over to the elf who was doing the photos and I gave her the receipt and she fished out our photos.

"Aww look Dec, you look beautiful."

He turned his head away, he also moved into me closer, he was hiding.

"Okay let's get you home baby, you look a little tired."

He didn't protest.


In the car he went straight to sleep, I looked at Geoff.

"Something's wrong with him."

"There sure is, maybe coming down with something."

"I don't know babe, he was okay before he saw Santa,"

"Well let's let him sleep then we can watch him."


He took my hand when we turned into our street and placed it on his crotch. Umm, he's a happy boy today. I rubbed him a bit then we turned into our driveway.

"See you in the bedroom." He grinned.

He took Dec into his bed then I met him stark naked in ours.


"Daddy, daddy," I heard Declan scream.

Geoff was off that bed in one second and was at Dec's door within two. He fell on the bed and took Dec into his arms, he was sobbing his little eyes out and he had wet himself, this is not a good thing.

"Dec, Dec you had a bad dream buddy, just take deep breaths, long, deep breaths, that's right, take it easy, it was just a dream."


Geoff was great with kids, he was even greater with our son and rocked him as I sat

down on the bed with them. Declan's head snapped up when he saw me then he was in my arms in an instant.

"Daddy, did he hurt you?"

"Who baby?"

He didn't answer.

He just hung on like grim death, something has frightened the shit out of him and I mean to get to the bottom of it.

"Geoff, can you run a bath?"



He went to turn the water on. I think we will all have one, a warm bath has always loosened Dec's tongue.


"Come on baby let's get you out of those wet clothes, do you want to tell dad what's happening?" His head dropped. I got his clothes off then carried him into the bathroom and handing him to Geoffrey, I dropped my bathrobe and got into the warm water.

"Do you want bubbles baby?"

No answer.

"Bubbles it is then." I squirted the sudsy stuff into the water then activated it with my hands. Declan was staring at me, his eyes were red and then it happened.

"I hate Christmas daddy, can you make it go away?"

"No baby, Christmas is forever, it's a good time of year and all the kids get presents from Santa, it's cool."

"I hate Santa too daddy."

"Why baby? Come on tell dads, we always listen to you, you're safe with us."


He dropped his head and started crying again, I stroked his back then he fell into my arms and his little voice whispered something.

"I can't hear you," I whispered back as he held me in a death grip. Then he shouted,

"He's going to hurt you." Then he sobbed even more. I looked over at Geoff who opened his hands and mouthed, what the fuck?

"Baby listen to me, no ones going to hurt me, it was just a dream honey. Who's going to hurt me?"

"Santa daddy, Santa's going to hurt you, I don't like him and I don't like Christmas." He was in such a state he didn't know where to look, his head tossed from the door to Geoff to me. He was terrified.

"Okay baby tell dads who told you they were going to hurt me."

"Santa daddy, I just told you, Santa's going to hurt you."


"Dec, was it the Santa you dreamed or the Santa you saw at the shopping centre?"

"The shop daddy, I told him what I wanted for a Christmas and he said he was going to hurt my daddy for Christmas. Why would Santa want to hurt you, dad?"

"I don't know son, but I will find out, then I can hurt him first."

I again looked at Geoff for an answer.

"Dec can you tell me what you asked for Christmas off Santa?" He struggled and his head went for my armpit again and he whispered,

"I wanted him to take Mr. Dingle away for good."

Geoff almost pulled the handrail off the wall getting out of the bath, he went into the bedroom and dressed in shorts and singlet then I heard the front door slam.


"Well baby that's a good Christmas present and maybe dad can help you with that, he's a world famous lawyer you know. Why don't we get dried and dressed now and I can go order some fish and chips for tea, and Dec no one, and I mean no one is going to hurt me, not even Santa." I smiled at him, he kissed my neck.

"Thank you daddy."


He looked a lot better when I dressed him, I even got a small giggle. He must have been so worried, poor little fella. I sat him at the kitchen table then took his hands.

"You know Mr. Dingle is in jail don't you?"

"Yes daddy but he talked to me today." My heart sank.

"You mean Santa was Mr. Dingle?"

"Yes, daddy." I will kill the prick. I swear if you mess with my kid's head, I will kill you. The anger built up and all I wanted to do was go back to the shopping centre and strangle Santa then shove him in the garbage bin where he should be.


Geoff slammed the front door and stormed into the kitchen, he saw Dec and forced himself to calm down. He then lifted our boy up and sat him on his knee.

"Mrs. Dingle has put the house up for sale so we are buying it so they move quickly. She hasn't seen Mr. Dingle but believes he's been let out on parole. Now I know what you're thinking Sam and you can't do that, for the sake of our family leave it to me. "

I shrugged because Geoff had read my mind again.


"How do we play this?" I calmly asked.

"I will make some phone calls soon, then we go to the police station and see our old mate Sargent Dobbs."

Sargent Dobbs was very familiar with our case, he helped us put Dingle in jail after he tried to kill me for upsetting his Halloween night.


"The man's quite mad Geoff and has broken his parole conditions, will they arrest him?"

"Yes, I think so babe."

"See Dec, you actually got your Christmas wish. Dad is going to make him go away." I smiled at my gorgeous son.

"Thank you daddy."

"Now how's about I go and get some fish and chips for tea, Dec the usual dim sim and potato cakes?"

"Yes please daddy." He's so polite.


"I know you too well, look after our lovely son and I'll go get the food."

"I can get it."

"No, I don't think you can, because you will swing by the shopping centre on the way." He leered at me again.

"I wasn't thinking of doing that but now you mention it."

"I will go Sam."


I waved Geoff goodbye and sat Dec in front of the TV, he had calmed down a lot by now so I went to have a fag, just for my nerves. I heard Nan come out her squeaky fly screened door.

"Hi nan, we would love to come Christmas Day, thank you for the invitation. Are you sure we can't bring anything?"

"That's good news Sam, no nothing, my girls have it all sorted out, just bring your drinks."

"Okay nan, has Pauly arrived yet?"

"No Sam, he's due tomorrow, do you need him?"

I waited and thought about my answer carefully for a nanosecond then said,


"Okay, I'll send him over tomorrow."

"Can you wait until Monday?"

"Oh when Geoff's at work? Okay." She giggled.


I went back inside and sat with my son. He was engrossed with a Spider-Man movie he has actually watched many times. He cuddled up to me and I thought, early night for you my boy.


"I'm back."

"What took you so long?"

"I swung by the shopping centre then the police station." He smiled.


"He wasn't there, they had closed the Santa store down for the day so Dibbs is going to make inquiries. He will ring later on, now who's up for some dinner?"


By the time Declan had eaten his potato cake his head was drooping so he sat on Geoff's knee while I changed his bed. I started the washing machine then went to get him ready for bed.

His head was down and he was fast asleep in Geoff's arms. I indicated to him to put him to bed then I went and finished my dinner.


"Do you think we should leave the doors open tonight?"

"Yes I think that's a good idea, I think he's over it but I really don't want to take the chance he will wake up scared during the night."

"Fair enough and if we are really quiet we can finish what we started this afternoon." His eyebrows shot up.

"Let me just lock up then." I went to the front door and looked out into the street, it was quiet. I did the back door then turned out the lights. We were very quiet which is hard to do when you're making love with a hunk like Geoffrey.


No screams in the night and he slept undisturbed. Geoff was up early; he had cooked his own breakfast then I found him sorting out the Christmas lights in the garage.

"I thought I would get an early start." He grinned.

"Okay, Dec's just stirring so I better get back." He looked disappointed.

I put the kettle on then went to see how my boy was.

"Did you sleep well baby?"

"Yes daddy, I slept for a long long time didn't I?"

"You sure did, that was the biggest sleep so far."

"Where's dad?"

"In the garage, he's going to put up the Christmas lights today." He ran out the back into the garage and I put some toast on, then made coffee for us both and a milk for Dec.


"Coffees ready, Dec I got some toast for you."

They both walked into the kitchen and Geoff sat at the table while Dec headed for the TV.

I placed his toast on the coffee table then had my coffee with Geoff.


"What do you think will happen?"

"Well we didn't hear from Dibbs last night so I will give him a ring this morning. I suppose they will put him back inside until his sentence is over, which should be another two months."

"And you bought his house?"

"Yes Mrs. Dingle mentioned she had it up for sale so I bought it, she's moving to her sister's place and will give Dingle half, then he's on his own."

"Good, it's a nice house and the rent will pay the mortgage."

"Yes honey, it's a good investment, maybe we can give it to Dec when he's older and he could live there."

"I doubt it; he isn't going to forget Dingle in a hurry."

"I suppose Halloween stuffed that up too, Dingle was being a real turkey."


Everyone was finished and I washed up so I got Declan dressed and he went to help his dad with the lights.

They looked beautiful laced around the front porch but I noticed the little Santa I had under the tree had been moved to the back, I didn't see him do it but left it there for the time being. Officer Dibbs rang around lunchtime and had a long talk to Geoffrey, I watched him argue down the phone then give up.


"He's done nothing wrong so they can't arrest him. It's his word against Dec's and I guess he won." I sat there quietly then suddenly remembered I put the washing on last night, I got up and emptied the machine. Geoffrey watched me and when he deemed I was okay; he went back to his lights.


I sat on my garden stool and seethed. I lit up a fag and placed my hand on my shaking legs then took some deep breaths. Monday can't come soon enough for me and I was looking forward to seeing Pauly again.

Lunch was sandwiches and I had a roast in the oven for dinner, also I'm doing some extra spuds for Geoff.


Nothing much more was said but he still watched me.

"I think I'll have a day off tomorrow."

"No you don't big boy, I have things to do and you will get in my way."

"What things?"

"I have gifts to wrap tomorrow, you will have me in bed all day and then nothing gets done except me." I laughed.

"Okay Tuesday then." He grinned.

"Maybe Tuesday, I'll make myself available."

"Okay Tuesday it is."

Everything was running smoothly, my roast was lip licking good and a big win in Dec's mind. He smothered his potatoes and peas in gravy and I forced some meat into him, but he wouldn't come at the baked carrots. Geoffrey as usual over ate while I picked at mine.


We slept well after I got Geoff settled in for the night, then it was Monday and my stomach was in turmoil, it was that excited. I couldn't wait to see Pauly again, he had been away in Queensland for awhile. I didn't ask but maybe he's avoiding the police, he does have a record for stealing cars and assorted items. He has done a stretch in Juvie, but he will have to watch it from now on because he will be eighteen soon, so he's got to keep his nose clean otherwise he could end up in jail.


After dropping my two favourite people at their respective school/work places, I drove home and waited then thought I'd better wrap up some gifts so Geoff will think I've been busy today.

"Knock, knock," I heard at the back door.

"Pauly, so good to see you again."

"Hi Sam, what's up?" I think Pauly is just about up for anything, even that.


He knows the Dingle background so I filled him in on the Santa saga and he listened intently then placed his hand on mine.

"Leave it to me," that was all he said, but I knew he had a plan already, he's a clever lad.

I went into the bedroom and grabbed two hundred dollars then gave it to him.

"Thanks Sam, this will cover the two guys I have in mind."

"But I want you to have something too." I went to get up and he grabbed my hand again.

"No need, I had so much fun at Halloween, this one's going to be a pleasure to do. And anyway, Queensland was very good to me this time around." He winked.

I half expected him to offer me his sexual services, as if I don't get enough from Geoffrey.

That was it, no names, no dates, he just got up and left saying he would see me soon,

 with a big dimpled grin on his face.


I started to put a meatloaf in the oven setting the timer so it switched off while I was out doing my pick ups. Then I sat in the study and looked through the emails. Molly, Geoff's secretary had sent me three conveyancing accounts, they're easy, so I started on them straight away. There was a knock on the door and it was Mrs. Dingle wanting to get me to do her house sale. She came in with a heap of paperwork, I offered coffee but she said she had to run, she was off to bingo. I put her paperwork into a new folder and I will get to it later. No time now, I'm excited about seeing my boys so out of the garage I go, my first pickup was Dec's school.


"Did you have a good day baby?"

"Yes dad, I have to take a present on Friday, a secret Santa present."

"Okay, do you want to stop at the shopping centre?"

"NO! Dad haven't you got something at home, it needs to be five dollars?"

"Okay let me think, do you want a milkshake?"

"Yes please daddy, can I have some small chippies too?"

"Of course you can son, nothing's a problem where you're concerned." I pulled into our McDonalds and he was first to the counter and was trying to order his meal but I don't think the kid serving saw him, he is a little short for his age.


"Dad can I have a pink one?"

"Of course, strawberry it is."

"No dad, no strawberries, maybe just chocolate."

"Okay." What else would he have, he's not a fruit lover, but I do manage to get apples and bananas into him.


"Yes, a small chips, and one cheeseburger thank you." I smiled at the cashier.

I sat in silence while he struggled to decide which one to have first, a chip won then a drink.

"Are you okay baby?"

"Yes daddy, I just got scared about Santa that's all."

"You know he was a bad Santa, but the real Santa is really a good person who loves everyone. Why don't you write that letter tonight, I can help you and I have a stamp too?"

"Okay daddy, Peter said Santa was real good and I believed him."

"Your friend Peter?"

"Yes daddy, from the school."

"Okay we will do that letter tonight."


Geoff smiled at me as he packed himself into my car then he ruffled Dec's hair.

"What did you get up to today?"

"Nothing much, cooked, cleaned, did some work, oh, Mrs Dingle dropped her paperwork in."

"Good and what else?"

"Nothing Geoff, honest." I had crossed my fingers but he didn't believe me anyway.


We had a great dinner and Dec was raring to go he even found paper and his pencils.

"Come on dad he might not get it before Christmas."

There's plenty of time son, Santa gets all the kid's letters."

"Okay what do I write?"

"You say hello to Santa then you say what you want. First you have to say you want world peace then you ask for something, or a few things. He already knows you have been good and don't ask for a Lear jet."

"Okay dad, can you write for me, I don't know big words like you do."

"All right, you dictate and I'll write but you must sign it and put our address on it."

As I suspected Dingle was the first present, a baseball glove, a really big TV, a dog and if not a dog, a cat."


"That's all?"

"Yes daddy."

"Right, put your name and address on the top and sign it." I then addressed the envelope to Santa at the North Pole.


"Did you find a five dollar present for Friday dad?"

"Yes son, you can help wrap it if you like."

"Cool dad."

It will be his last day at school for six weeks and I'll get him full time. I had been making a list of things to do while he's on school holidays, I suppose Geoffrey will draw the line at taking him into work for a day or two.

Everything had been wrapped and placed under the tree and I bought some wine and beer to take to Nan's, so I was organized.


Wednesday night we had hamburgers, Geoff's second choice of university foods and I was about to take a big bite when I noticed the newshound making an urgent announcement.


There was a very bad security film of two kids, one younger and one a bit older. It was our shopping centre and the newshound was saying that the younger one was seeing Santa then started screaming.

"He touched me up, Santa touched me up." The shoppers and their kids scattered to the four winds and security had Santa in their grip immediately. The film showed the two kids leaving the car park and Santa punching a security guard and running through the centre.

Police are on the lookout for Santa and they want to interview the two children.

I afforded myself a little chuckle, thank you Pauly.


"What did you do Sam?" Geoff's on my case now, he had turned to look at me.

"Nothing Geoff, it looks like Santa did it all himself, touching up little kids, that's just awful baby."

He glared at me then asked,

"Is Pauly back in town?"

"I don't know, Nan said he was coming to stay over Christmas though."

"I'll be back in a minute." He went out the back and I heard him call Nan's name several times. No one was home so I suppose Nan got an offer for dinner at one of her family's places.

"I'm not leaving it here Sam, if I find out you have something to do with this I'll do something drastic."

"Umm, what do you mean by drastic, dob me into the cops, drag me through the streets or maybe put me in a stock and chains in the main street?"

"Just something, maybe cut off your sex life for a month." I screamed with laughter.

"Of course you will Geoffrey." He wouldn't go one day without sex. I chuckled to myself all evening, luckily Dec didn't know what was really going on. He lasted one hour of tossing and turning and couldn't get to sleep, then I felt his hand snake around to my dick.


"Good morning baby, last day at school, are you excited?"

"Yes daddy, can I take some biscuits to share?"

"Of course you can."

I looked in the pantry but it was void of any biscuits, bloody Geoffrey.

"We will get some on the way to school, okay?"

"Okay daddy."


I didn't know what was happening with Santa Dingle and was dying to put the TV on to watch the morning news, I even encouraged Dec to turn it on.

I fed him toast while we watched some cartoons and by this time Geoffrey was ready for work.

"Come on baby, time to go. Did you get your present for the secret Santa?"

"Yes daddy, all ready to go, don't forget to get some bikkies."

"I won't." Geoff blushed, but I know he loves his biscuits.


Arriving home, I put another load of washing on then sat in front of the TV. There wasn't much more than yesterday's news, they are still looking for the kids and Dingle.

I went out to the washing line and started hanging my wet clothes on it.

A few minutes later I saw a flash of red out of the corner of my eye, then felt a stabbing pain in my lower back. I whipped around to come face to face with Mr. Dingle, still dressed in his Santa suit. He looked furious, and was holding a large knife.


I screamed out for help several times.

"I am going to kill you, you bastard. I not only lost my job, I lost my house and marriage too. I hate your faggot guts for ruining my fucking life." I put the wet sheets in front of me for protection then slowly moved towards the back door.


"You ruined your life when you made the decision to screw up everyone's Halloween and now Christmas, you got what you deserved. How dare you try and frighten a small child like that. You don't have any brains at all, you maggot."

"Come here you prick; I'm going to kill you any minute now." He looked menacing with his butcher's knife and I prayed Nan was stronger than she looked.


"Bang!!" Went the frypan when it hit the side of Dingle's head and he went down like a load of bricks. His knife flew onto the lawn as he hit the deck, he was out cold.

"Are you okay Sam?"

"Yes I think so nan, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart." I shook all over.

"I heard you scream and came through the gate, when I saw what was happening the only weapon I could get my hands on was my frying pan."

"You did good; I'll get some garden ties."


I went into the garden shed and grabbed a handful of big ties and she helped me tie him up nice and tight, then I rang the police.

"Come on Sam, let's have a fag before they arrive." We were both shaking and I was so grateful to her.

"Is this what you had in mind when you hired Pauly Sam?"

"Not exactly nan, but close. I'm so happy Declan isn't home to see this. We've only just settled him down from the Santa fright he had."

"Well you will have to tell him something, Dingle will go away for a long time now, he's actually quite mental Sam."

"I hope Geoff can get him put away, and I mean for a long time. I don't want to fight the Easter Bunny when he comes." She looked at me and burst out laughing just as Sargent Dibbs arrived. He took our statements then it was time to go get my men.

But before I did, Nan helped to dress my wound.


Dec was taking his time saying goodbye to his mates then he had to show me what he got off the secret Santa, then he had to have his chocolate milkshake.

By the time we got to Geoff's work officer Dibbs had been in to talk to him. He was ropable but couldn't say anything because of Declan being in the car.


"Nan wants to see you about something Decs, I think she wants you to help her wrap some presents. I told her you were the best at it."

"Okay daddy." He ran out the back door and jumped up twice to unlock the fence gate then he disappeared.


"Now what the fuck happened?" Geoff was on to me within seconds.

"Geoff can you take me to the hospital?" I changed the subject.

"What? What the fuck's going on?'

I lifted my t-shirt, Nan had put a big bandage on the cut but I could feel it still bleeding.

"What the fuck?!!"

"He got lucky, I had to pick Dec up otherwise the police would have taken me in. It's not as bad as you think honey just a few stitches will fix it."

"A few fucking stitches, a few, fuck me Sam, what am I going to do with you, this isn't good?"

"We will go on as usual, no involving Declan, you hear me." I pointed my finger at him.

"Of course." He bundled me into the car and raced me into casualty. Six stitches later and a doctor's report for Dibbs. It took two hours to organise, then we dropped the report into the police station before I was driven home.

"I could murder you myself at the moment Sam, why did you leave it so long?"

"Declan," was all I had to say. I can't involve him this time and had to pick him up, he would get suspicious.


"Did you have a good time sweetheart?"

"Yes daddy, I had sum pus skettie, it was really nice dad."

"Great, now I don't have to feed you." I smiled at him.

"Only bikkies dad." I put a few on a plate for him then he joined Geoff on the couch. I warmed up the take away Nan had sent over and fed my man. I then went to have another fag.


"Thank you Nan for everything you do for us," I said as I handed a fag over the fence to her, she passed it back, she's got her own now.

"My pleasure Sam, he's really a beautiful boy."

"Yes he is Nan, although I'm still not out of the bad books with Geoffrey."

"You will be soon Sam; he loves you deeply."

I know he does and when he sees my pre-Christmas underwear surprise tonight, he's going to love me even more. I was going to wait until Christmas Eve but I think he needs the distraction now.


Declan and Geoff destroyed the presents under the tree and I hid Dec's grandparents one, it was some second hand baby jump suits, ha ha how fucking funny you morons.

Geoff loved his IPad and so did Dec, and Pauly had loaded up heaps of little kid's games for him. I loved my top of the range headphones I got from Geoffrey and Dec, I guess they are for Geoff's music station. I really don't listen to much music, only in the car, I'm too busy for all that.

I never begrudge Geoff shopping for presents, he usually gets the things he wants, he gives me his love every day and that's all the presents I need from him.


We bundled our kid up because he could hear the kids next door playing. Geoff brought the beer and wine and I took a Pavlova I had baked. The whole family was there; some I knew and some I didn't. Pauly was barman and handed me a wine and winked then he indicated two kids sitting at a table having a talk with Dec.

"They the ones?"

"Yep, my cousins and they thank you for their lovely money." He winked.

"They did good Pauly, thank you."

"My pleasure Sam." I went to sit with my man but he was gone. I spied him over by the garage looking through something in Uncle George's boot. More contraband, naughty boy Geoffrey, if the lawyer school find out, you will be barred.

He took a big striped bag into our place then returned to sit with me, a big smile on his face,

"Did you get me something?"

"Yes Sam, an electric pasta maker." Goody, something else for the cupboard.

"Oh that's nice Geoff."

"Well it was a bargain."



"Does it hurt dad?"

"What son?' I had been changing my shirt when Dec poked his head around the corner.

"The sore on your back."

"No son it doesn't, it's only a scratch."

"I thought it hurt dad."

"Not really."

"What happened dad?"

"I went back to the shopping centre and bashed up the bad Santa for upsetting you."

"Really dad? Did you really bash him up?"

"I sure did son; he won't be bothering us again, not for a long, long time." My chest puffed out.

"But why did he leave presents for us last night?"

"Different Santa baby, did you forget there's also a good one too?" He squeezed his eyes shut and whispered,

"Thank you for my wish Santa."